Category Archives: Tattoo Information

Are Tattoos An Addiction?

The longtime connection between tattoos and individuals of questionable character is not the sole account for why tattoos are frequently given a bad reputation. While of course this connection, which is becoming less and less of a factor as each generation progresses, has been true in many circumstances, the subject of tattoos in the present day has yet another cloud over its reputation; it is darker, and rarely based on the truth. From both those who know […]

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How Tattoos Are Made

Many times when we think of tattoos, we think of a very long and painful process. This is often a very frightening thought. A lot of people wouldn’t even think of getting a tattoo simply because of their idea of what the process involves. To understand what getting a tattoo means, we have to first take a quick look at a small part of the human anatomy. The skin is made up of two layers; the epidermis […]

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Things To Know About Tattoos

Tattoos are created by injecting ink through into the skin. Tattoo artists accomplish this by using an electric powered tattoo gun that almost sounds like the drill a dentist uses. The tattoo gun has a needle that moves up and down, putting the ink into the skin around 2,000 times a minute. The needle in the gun punctures the skin and deposits a small drop of ink with each puncture. The tattoo machines of today have several […]

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